Friday, January 31, 2014

Freewriting - fear

My two fears are spiders and clowns. I will first tell you about my fear of spiders called arachnophobia. Just  looking at a spiders makes me cringe. The spider fear is one of  the most common fear of all fears. The fear is basted on the eight legs which lets them climb the walls. The thing that scares people the most about spiders is the eight eyes that start at you. A lot of people have fears in their lives. I can picture the spider in my mind, and it is making me hate this writing assignment. It is not common that people have fear. Just thinking about how many there are is over whelming. Next, I will tell you about my fear of clown that is called coulrophobia. This clown fear started when the movie called "It" came out. Ever since people have seen the movie they have been terrified of clowns. I hope this fear will go away sometime because I would like to laugh at clowns instead of fear them. Clowns are suppose to make you laugh. The thought of clowns still makes me scared about them every time I think of them. These fear and many others are with us every day. Sometimes we can try to avoid them, but somethings we see everyday. Some of the fears people have can be kind of funny; you can even get a laugh at them. But it is best not to laugh at the  peoples' fears. . Some people can get over their fears. I for one am getting better with the spiders. Though sometimes I don't think I will ever get over it forever. If you have a fear try to embrace it as your own.  I try to! There are millions of fears out there. I think some of the fears are fascinating to see. Why does that person have that fear? What caused it to happen? If you have a fear try not to tell people because they will try to scare  you with it. I told someone once and now every time I see that person they scare me. It is like torture to see him. I think it is wrong to try and scare someone. It is better to help them through it.

I Think It Is Wrong To Scare Someone With Their Fear

I think it is wrong to scare someone with their own fear. One day, I was going to a friend's house, and they told me to come on. So I did! When I got in the house, they said "I am in my room". So I head to her room. When I walked in, she was hiding in her closet She popped out the the closet wearing a clown mask, and she had a real spider in her hand. I ran as fast as I could out the door. I never knew I could run that fast. I ran into a wall because I was trying to see if she was behind me. It hurt so much that I had a red mark on my forehead. She was laughing up a storm right beside me with the spider in her hand. I was so mad at her I got up off the floor. I was never so mad in my life before that day. I always try to think on the bright side, but today I'm thinking dark. I yelled at her like a bat gone loco. After that, she got real quiet, and start apologizing to me. I didn't want to accept her apology and make up with her on that day. The next time I came over; I thought we were cool again. I hadn't talked to her for a week at school or texts. Little did I know I was wrong because she brought her other friends over, and they all had masks on and spiders. I felt like I was running for my live.  I ran for my car, and I never came back or was friends with her AGAIN.

What is a friend? How can you tell from a good one to a bad one? That is just the thing friends can be good and bad. I have had my fair share of bad friends. The one friend I trusted to be my friend was a horrible friend to me. If you could count all your friends which one of them can you count on? That is one of the things people look for someone who has your back. Lets say you need help with someone who would be there to help you. Who would be the one drop everything they are doing and come running to you. Just think about what I have said and contemplate about your friends. I have done that all the time and if they are mean to you and scare you all the time; well then I think you have a bad friend. You need to think about what to do with that friend. The first thing I would try and do is talk to your friends and get them to know the situation. Secondly I would see if they understand what you say. If they don't change and are still mean to you.  Then they scare you everyday. Then I would drop them as your friend. These are the things about friends. I hope you have liked this blog thank you for your time.

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