Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sister- fight

My sister can be the worse person in the world. Sometimes we can have the best of times, or sometimes it is the worst of times. It can be hard with her because she likes to hit me. I try to be the older sister and not hit her back. There can be a breaking point when she hits me, but I do love her. The things we fight over at times can he hurtful or just plain stupid. Sometimes, I wish we could get along. The current fighting is because she doesn't want to be like me, go to college, and get her education which I think is stupid on her part. It is her life, but I just hope she makes the right decision to the best of her ability. My parents don't know what to do with her either. If she could just turn her out- bursts around, that would make it a lot easier in the house. We still love her. I can't think, I can't think, I can't think when it gets too loud in the house. We can get along watching movies at times. I love riding horses with her. If the world was not so rough, we could live in harmony. I love the song of that. It is funny sometimes when you can sit and talk to someone and get all your anger out, but not to the point of yelling it to the whole world. I think if Courtney would just talk and not be so angry at times, we could get along quiet nicely. I love the days when it is nice and peaceful in the car because Courtney is not yelling.

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